Fall Season

We field competitive and developmental tackle football teams that are organized by age and weight, and by skill level (American, National, Central). Practices begin the first week of August and will 5 days per week until approximately Labor Day, after which practices are 3 days per week. Games run from mid-September through mid-November. Registration is open to all Loudoun County residents. League age is as of October 1.
We offer the following Weight Class Divisions:
- Anklebiters
- 80lb
- 90lb
- 100lb
- 115lb
- 130lb
- 155lb
Note that weight division placement is based on both age and weight. The age and weight matrix below will detail who is eligible and in which weight division athletes will play:
Fall 2024 Tackle Registration Fees
Ankle Biters: $185
80lb Weight Class and Above: $435
D1SA is a member club in the Northern Virginia Youth Football League (NVYFL), formerly Fairfax County Youth Football League (FCYFL). NVYFL is comprised of several clubs from Loudoun, Fairfax, Prince William, and Arlington counties.
Key Dates For The Upcoming Fall Season:
Equipment Distribution -- Sunday 7/14 (8-11 AM) and Thursday 7/18 (5-8 PM)
Summer Conditioning -- Sundays 9:30 AM, Tuesday & Thursdays 6:30 PM, begins 7/14 through 8/1
League-Wide Parent Meeting (Zoom) -- Sunday 8/4 (7:30 PM)
Practice Begins -- 8/5

D1SA Cheer is a recreational program for children 5 - 14 years old. The program provides a rewarding and fun experience with an emphasis on both teamwork and individual accomplishment. Cheerleading requires stamina, focus and regular practice as a team. Throughout the season your child will learn sideline cheerleading fundamentals, sportsmanship, leadership and teamwork appropriate for each age level.
D1SA cheerleaders support the D1SA Football teams throughout the Fall season by cheering for them at games and may have opportunities to participate in additional community events.
Practice Schedule: Practices will begin in August. Practices are held two days a week at a field available to D1SA Football. Practice location will be provided before the season starts. Cheerleaders are encouraged to attend all practices, games and activities to ensure continuity of the team. Regular season games are held Friday through Sunday at fields throughout Fairfax County, parts of Loudoun, Prince William and Arlington counties.
Squad Assignments: Cheerleaders will be assigned to a squad before the first game of the season. Until that time, all cheerleaders will practice together to learn the fundamentals of the program.
2024 Cheer Registration Fees
Cost: $185 (installment payment plan available)
Summer Season

This program is open to athletes between the ages of 7 and 14 years old. There will be multiple sessions beginning mid-July through the beginning of August. This is a non-contact program.
Summer Conditioning 2024 Fees
Registration for Summer Conditioning is $125. If you select the add-on for Summer Conditioning while registering for Fall 2024 Tackle, there is a 20% discount and the fee will be $100.
Summer Conditioning dates/times are as follows:
Sunday, 7/14 9:30 AM
Tuesday, 7/16 6:30 PM
Thursday, 7/18 6:30 PM
Sunday, 7/21 9:30 AM
Tuesday, 7/23 6:30 PM
Thursday, 7/25 6:30 PM
Sunday, 7/28 9:30 AM
Tuesday, 7/30 6:30 PM
Thursday, 8/1 6:30 PM
Note: the location is being finalized, but sessions will be in Ashburn or Leesburg.